2017年9月18日 星期一


Tsubaki's diary 18th Sep:

Ms.Chen (Teacher Winnie) invited me to her English class. Students happily welcomed me. And they practiced the sentence pattern- "What's it?" with the magical horror box. I was so excited at guessing what it was in the box. The classroom was filled with our happy laughter. I really enjoyed learning with Class 105. 108.110!
沖繩小椿日記9/18-韋伶老師帶我一起到105.108.110班一起玩神奇恐怖箱一起練習What's it句型,我超級好奇箱子到底是什麼,滿滿是我們的笑聲喔!好喜歡和這些夥伴一起上課!他們都好熱情的歡迎我耶!

